Geistiger Reichtum
Indianer sein heute ist ein lebendiges Paradoxon
ein Widerspruch in sich selbst.
Sich mit der Erde verbunden fühlen
in einer Asphaltwelt.
Stolz und ehrenhaft sein
in Lebensverhältnissen, die erniedrigen.
Geistigen Reichtum erfahren
in einem geistig verarmten Land.
Geschwisterlich verbunden sein
mit Grundverschiedenen Brüdern und Schwestern.
Maschienell gefertigte Glasperlen
zu alten überlieferten Mustern vernähen.
Christliche Kirchenlieder singen
in der Stammessprache.
Ins Englische übersetzte Namen tragen
die voll alter Bedeutungen sind.
Ausgelacht werden,
auch wenn du nichts Komisches getan hast.
Bei nichtindianischen Kindern Furcht erregen
obwohl dein Herz nichts Böses denkt.
Karen Coody Cooper

Tobacco to the ground to honor Ancestor's and ask for their help. Smoke of the sage and cedar, and sweetgrass for the healing presence of Creator.
Tunkasila ~
I praise you for your gifts to us. I give thanks to the four directions and bring this request to you, Grandfather. There is one here that is hurting. You are aware of all the people, hurting, ill, and even those in good spirits. I bring to you this man, Gary. I lift him before you and ask that you see him. I ask for your healing presence around him, on him, and through him. I ask that you see his hurt and touch the hand of healing to his heart. I ask that you shower him with your LOVE for this is greatest gift of all. I ask that Gary sees you in a most profound way, that you show yourself to him, so that he may know that he is LOVED by the one who made him. May he see his worth in Your eyes. May he realize that he is nothing apart from you. May he know that you have his best interests in mind for him, and may he rest in the knowledge that you will never leave him nor foraske him.
I have spoken these words and they are my truth. Hoka Hey!
Hinhanni Was'te! Apetu Was'te!
Tunkasila, I thank you for this beautiful day! I look out my window and marvel at the wonders of your Creation. I see the partnership between You and My Mother the Earth. I see her beauty all around me and Your hand in the creation of her. My heart is thankful for all You have given, and I take my part seriously in the care of My Mother. I will tread lightly upon her, leaving soft footprints. I will touch her face and see her in the beauty of the rose. I will feel her skin in the soft, silken petals of the rose. I will smell her perfume in the fragrance of the flowers and the Earth smell of her dirt. I will see her eyes in the Raven that calls to me from the tree tops above. I will hear your voice Grandfather, in the Wind that whispers in my ears. I will see the homes you provide My Mother, for all the little wingeds in the branches of your trees. I will give back to You the things that I take from You. I will replant the flowers that I pick for my pleasure. I will give back threefold whatever I take from your gifts to me.
I marvel at the beauty of this Earth Mother, and at the wonder of your Creation, Grandfather. Lila Pilamaya for Your provision of all I need to survive in this world that has taken a turn on the wrong Path. I ask for a return to the Red Path and the teachings of the Ancestor's. For in them, we will find the way back to You and the care of the Mother.
Hoka Hey!
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The lodge of sun manitu-isna

windhorsemedia (Dienstag, 27 November 2012 01:46)
Thank you Gudrun for the sharing of this Video.
Love, peace, and aloha from Hawaii. You will also find 6 more videos that were produced since August on YouTube... WindhorseMediaHawaii